Allah and the Leaf



Allah & The Leaf is a children's book for ages 3 to 5 Years.

The book lets the child explore vibrant creative colours from beginning to end. The literature is focused on rhymes allowing the child to understand the story better, whilst adhering to fundamental Islamic ethos such as no eyes and faces.

This book is about a leaf striving for Allah, no matter what comes his way he knows Allah is close. His firm belief that no harm comes to you except with the will of Allah and no success is achieved except with the will of Allah allows him to stay firm throughout his trials.What may seem a complex message has been made simple and fun for the child to understand by the use of rhymes, choreography and vibrant colours.

The book is made up of a 30-page rhyme that is simple and educational. This helps the child to remember the story and new vocabulary allowing them to relate it back when asked to give a brief.

The text and pictures are made big and distinct so that the child can comfortably identify what they see, and understand what is being read from looking at the scene.

This book will appeal to all backgrounds of Islamic faith while still achieving an interesting and unique approach (All praise is due to Allah).

The book is a joy to read for both children and parents and of interest to other faiths as it uses a diplomatic and neutral approach teaching tolerance through trials in life. People in general can relate to this story with their practical lives where ambition is pursued through patience and perseverance. A good message for the young no matter the age and what every parent’s focus is. While truly the leaf only falls by The Will of Allah, the book is an allegory where life is full of obstacles one must overcome to reach their final outcome.

The reader is reminded that success is in patience, perseverance and trust.

The read is energetic, suspenseful and calm throughout perfect for a developing young mind, while at the same time grasps the readers’ attention to the level of detail the book carries throughout. The child and parent unwind together as the book tells two stories. An apparent story told from the top for the child, while on a deeper level self-awareness for the parent who has now taken the role of responsibility. Now that you have read the description you must have the book. The level of detail and art consisted pours out to the reader and child at every turn of the page.

The book is unique as for the first time a children’s book reaches out to the adult and is sound in following Islamic guidelines.

The book can also relate to the verse in the Holy Qur'an (The Islamic Sacred Book) Chapter 6:59.

"I hope this book reaches a wide audience even after it being primarily focused around Islam, and helps many children, bringing joy and positivity to all when they take this journey with The Leaf that Never Falls."

"JazakAllah Khayr & Thank You" Writer/ Author/ Illustrator Muhammed Anwar

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